Sunday 28 July 2013

Education system

 Pre-higher education : 

 Duration of compulsory education in Spain:

Age of entry  : 6
Age of exit    : 16

Structure of school system:


Length of program in years  6
Age level from 6 to 12

primary school uniforms:


Length of program in years  4
Age level from  12 to 16

Certificate/diploma awarded  Graduado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria 

Higher Secondary

Length of program in years  2
Age level from   16 to 18

Certificate/diploma awarded  Titulo de Bachillerato or Titulo de Tecnico 

secondary school uniforms:

Higher Education

Higher education is provided in both public and private universities.Universities in Spain are divide into several category:

  • facultades universitarias
  • escuelas tecnicas superiores
  • institutos universitarios
  • centros de Estudios Superiores
  • colegios universitarios

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